Shipping Policy
As per the Shipping Policy, the delivery of the product will be processed within 24 hours on business days. The expected time for delivery is within 5 business days.
In case of delivery related complaints, please call our Customer Care No: +919667799434 (operating hours only) or send email at
Please read all the instructions carefully.
- The product will be processed and dispatched within 24 hours of it being placed on working days. The expected delivery time for the product is within 5 business days.
- It is the Customer and Direct Seller’s responsibility to make sure that the company has the correct shipping address before the order is dispatched.
- A Customer and Direct seller will need to allow up to 15 days for processing after the receipt by the Company of any notice of address change.
- In case of delivery related complaints. Please call our Customer care No: +919667799434 or send us an email at